Elections to the School Council at Wańkowicz High School
October in our school was marked by elections. As every year, students chose their representatives. Ultimately, three candidates competed for power. They had to collect votes of support, organize a campaign, and finally stand in front of the ent...
Young people vote in Wańkowicz
This year's elections in many Polish schools were preceded by the nationwide "Youth Vote" campaign organized by the Center for Civic Education. All students of our school who were over 14 years old could take part in the elections. Before th...
The Nobel Prize winner's 100th birthday: "Szymborska" in Krakow
High school students from the Polish Matura program went to an extraordinary performance at the Juliusz Słowacki Theater in Krakow. The play entitled "Szymborska" is not easy to fit into the framework of classical theater, on the contrary, this ...
#LaboratoriaPrzyszłości 3D Printer in Physics Lessons
#LaboratoriaPrzyszłości We started our adventure with the 3D printer by familiarizing ourselves with its operation and discussing its potential educational uses. To begin with, we printed cubes, the properties of which we studied during our physics ...
Cambridge exams
As every year, students of our high school and the Private Primary School "Szkoła Jak Dom" took the international English exams KET, PET, FCE, and CAE. All of them obtained certificates confirming their knowledge of the language at particular le...