Prywatne Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Melchiora Wańkowicza

Prywatne Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Melchiora Wańkowicza

Prywatne Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Melchiora Wańkowicza

We are happy to announce that our student, Iga Kulig from class 1 DP, won an honorable mention in the prestigious essay competition organized by Northeastern University in London. The essay topic was: “Discuss the social risks and benefits of generative AI (such as ChatGPT).”

In her work, Iga carefully analyzed both positive and negative aspects of the development of generative artificial intelligence. She highlighted potential benefits such as supporting education, improving work efficiency and innovation in various areas of life. At the same time, she drew attention to the risks related to disinformation, loss of privacy and ethical challenges.

Although Iga's essay did not qualify for the finals, her work was appreciated by the jury for its original approach and deep analysis of the topic. We are proud of Iga's achievements and congratulate her on her success.