In Zbigniew Cybulski's memory...
On Tuesday, 8th January 2019, a meeting was organized in Cultural Centre "South" in Katowice-Kostuchna, in Zbigniew Cybulski's screening room, to commemorate the artist who passed away 52 years ago. The ceremony was conducted by Ms Krystyna Mitręga. Three students from our school participated in the lectures: Jakub Bednarczyk, Beniamin Sobczak, and Wiktor Malara, supervised by Mr Janusz Woźniak, the Coordinator of High School and a Polish teacher.
The ceremony began with an interesting lecture by Professor Andrzej Gwóźdź about Zbigniew Cybulski's life and style of acting. Next, our students, Jakub Bednarczyk and Wiktor Malara, presented the opinion concerning how contemporary young people perceive Cybulski's acting today.
The next part was the projection of movies in which Cybulski acted, including a fragment of "Cross of Valour" by recently deceased Kazimierz Kutz, a great Silesian director.
After the events which took place in the Cultural Centre, all participants went to the cemetery where Zbigniew Cybulski's grave is situated, in order to honour the great actor. We listened to "My Testament" by Juliusz Słowacki and we placed a wreath on Cybulski's grave. Of course, we did not forget to light a candle on Kazimierz Kutz's grave.