@Zwolnieni z Teorii in Wańkowicz - "Clean Teeth" project
We try to instill the design of a future professional career in young people early enough to make it easier for them to recognize it in themselves. They engage in projects related to their own interests and explore their predispositions in a given field t...
What to do after high school?
Choosing a career path is the first serious and difficult decision after graduating from high school. Which university to choose? What faculty? Today, many graduates declare that they will choose elite foreign universities. For our students who speak a...
@Zwolnieni z Teorii w Wańkowiczu – addiction prevention
In our high school, we hosted an addiction specialist, Mr. Andrzej Pilch! The meeting was organized by students of class II, Dominika Rędzia and Marysia Bac, acting as part of the @Zwolnieni z Teorii project in Wańkowicz. During the meeting, Mr. A...
Valentine's Day Mail
We've got it! It is with great pleasure that we would like to inform you about the success of our annual charity, School Valentine's Day Mail. By buying stamps to send your Valentine's Day cards, love letters, emotional sighs and exp...